Paradox Abounds
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 3:11pm EDT at 15º33’ Sagittarius
Full Moons are when we receive the bounty of our intention, but I have a feeling what we're receiving now doesn't feel like what we intended. It doesn't mean it's not valuable. Emotions usually run high at a Full Moon, since the Sun (self) is opposing the Moon (emotions), but mix in an eclipse and Mars in Pisces in a square to the Sun and Moon and we have a recipe for some big feels and explosive moments.
At a Sagittarius Full Moon we balance the philosophical, deep dive of Sagittarius with the inquisitive, light, friendly Gemini Sun. While Sagittarius has many beautiful qualities like a love for travel and learning, it also has a shadow. It can become a zealot, overly focused on the “right way” of doing things. It's optimism, while usually refreshing and inspiring, can become a bit toxic if a “Good Vibes Only” message is being preached.
Of course our emotional side wants to bask in this bright energy, but the world and astrology aren't playing nice right now. The Sun in Gemini is being that obnoxious Devil's Advocate Gemini is so good at being (I'm a Gemini, I know that must be annoying). Our conscious mind is spinning with questions and paradox and we're overloaded with information.
Oh and remember this is a Lunar Eclipse, meaning the light the Sun is shining onto the Moon gets interrupted by the Earth passing between them. Seems poetic with what's going on in the world right now that the usually friendly combination of Sagittarius and Gemini gets interrupted by the reality here on Earth. Eclipses amplify the energy of the moon and usually affect us for six months. This one is different, because it's the first in a series of three eclipses, with a Solar Eclipse on June 21 and another Lunar Eclipse on July 5. This second Lunar Eclipse will supersede this one, so this eclipse is only dominating for the next month (thank goodness!). Think of it like the initiation period before we can start the next phase. We have to release and transmute to be ready for what's coming next.
This Lunar Eclipses highlights what needs to be released from our life, as it's in the same sign as the Lunar South Node. We're transitioning from the Cancer/Capricorn Lunar North/South Node axis to the Gemini/Sagittarius one and this is our little teaser of a Sagittarius release before we have one final Cancer Solar Eclipse (June 21st) and Capricorn Lunar eclipse (July 5th). So, what needs to be wiped away for you to be more in alignment right now? This is especially related to beliefs (Sagittarius) and thoughts (Gemini) that no longer serve you. This will be an important phase for us individually and as a human family, but man, it's not going to be easy.
And we haven't even gotten to how Mars, our ego and masculine principle, is freaking out in Pisces. So while our emotions want us to be “right and good” in Sagittarius, and our brain is exploring the Gemini “what ifs” and paradox, Mars is overwhelmed in Pisces by uncomfortable emotions and not knowing how to process them. Mars is how we take action in the world. It's how we show up as a leader and a warrior. He's about forward motion and logical plans, but everything happening right now is tripping him up. He doesn't do well with “feelings” and now he's standing off in a square to both the Sun and Moon wondering why everyone's so emotional and feeling more than a bit defensive himself. Okay, let’s be real, he’s freaking pissed.
By this point, many of us have done Shadow Work (check out my Illuminate Your Shadow 5 Day Challenge on Instagram if not) and know that suppressing our emotions makes them toxic. Suppression breeds separation, from others and within ourselves. Suppressing your emotions because it's what you're “supposed to do” creates discord in yourself. This is parts of the paradox, Sagittarius wants you to be “good” but Gemini wants you to see all sides, and Mars is confused and defensive. Instead of ignoring your personal discomfort, running away from it, distracting yourself or blindly adopting what others say you should feel or do, step back and listen. Sorry Mars, it might not be the best time to take action on these weird feelings, but just sit within the discomfort. Challenge yourself. True change starts within.
And this message is for everyone. You are not exempt because you blacked out your Instagram and shared some posts from Black influencers. You can't erase the damage the legacy of white supremacy has done by being a performative ally. This Gemini energy is demanding we hold both thoughts that, sure, we do things that are “good” and also, we haven't done nearly enough, but I know that paradox is hard. Don't try to erase feelings of guilt or confusions by doing things to show how woke you are. If you can't readily say, “I could do more”, you need to figure out why you need to feel like you're “good”. Is there a fear of admitting you don’t know what to do? Or admitting that you’ve made mistakes? I am assuming most people that end up reading this see themselves as an ally and not racist. That's a good start. But can you handle thinking that you might be doing things, unintentionally maybe, that still perpetrate racism? We ALL need to do more, myself definitely included. Complacency and silence are also damaging.
How's your Mars energy feeling after that? If it's a bit bristled, good! Examine those sensations! Right now we need to purge and the only way to do that is to actually feel our feelings. Fortunately, Mars is going to get some help with this from the Moon and Neptune snuggling in close on either side, but that won't be until next week on June 13 at the Last Quarter Moon (more info in my free Moon Cycle Planner). Until then, know that everyone is more sensitive and defensive right now.
Love relationships are especially challenging since retrograde Venus is also in this square next to the Sun in Gemini. While heart-to-hearts with your lover may become a minefield of touchy wounds and painful words, poetry and writing in a journal will be so healing right now. We also have Neptune in Pisces approaching Mars and mildly adding to this square's energy so be careful about being a bit delusional or extreme in your emotions. You may find yourself attaching to an illusion that you're 100% a good person, but again, that belief blocks you from the deeper growth and work you could be doing. As Neptune rules disease, this aspect also isn't super good for people gathering in crowds to express their anger right now. Let's all send prayers of protection and health to everyone on the ground protesting with Black Lives Matter this Full Moon.
Also quick note, with this Mars square, of course there will be protests and anger. This is totally in the chart. I’m not going to tell you how you “should” process your feelings other than try to stay as safe as reasonably possible. Wear a mask, be alert, and know that everyone is on edge and things can escalate quickly. Expressing anger and grief is important and I could never fully comprehend the depth that BIPOC are hurting right now, so do what you need to do to let your pain move through you and be expressed.
Venus and Lilith
Okay, let's reset by taking a deep breath in and sighing it out, relaxing your shoulders and your jaw. With all that going on, today is a good day for some self-love and self-care. The Sun and Venus were exactly conjunct on June 3rd, when the planet of love teamed up with the sun's fire to burn away what no longer serves her. If your relationship survived the fire, congrats. This may be a time to connect physically, but don't have any tough conversations just yet. Let's find some independence and separation in our togetherness as Venus finds her footing again. In a few days Venus will be reborn as the morning star, which some say is an omen of war, but is definitely an invitation to more self-care and getting your needs met. Now it's time for her to be bold and prepare to share what she's learn in the fire.
Bringing a extra dose of strong, powerful Goddess energy to this conjunction is Black Moon Lilith sitting in Aries in a close sextile to the Sun/Venus and trine to the Moon. She is coming in like Kali as both the destroyer, but also the agent of rebirth and change. There is no denying the Dark Goddess is pissed. The Feminine Scorned knows all too well the pain of subjugation, and in Aries she brings the fire. Lilith is the anti-victim, she might have abuse thrown at her, but she doesn't sit back and take it. She is liberatory, she seeks freedom, she is not dominated by anyone. She is adding her strength to this time and she is marching in the streets right alongside the BLM protesters.
One other aspect to examine is Mercury and it's connection to both Uranus and Chiron. Mercury is getting ready to go retrograde on June 18th, meaning we are right in the beginning of the Retrograde Shadow. This is the area of the chart where Mercury will appear to be moving backwards through during it's retrograde. So, expect these themes to come back up again, especially around communicating your feelings as Mercury is in Cancer. Uranus in Taurus is sextile Mercury so we may see some revolutionary new ways of communicating coming up. Explore spoken word, poetry, song writing, or start a journal or blog. This could really amplify your stability moving forward, there's a lot of energy around words coming up as we approach 2021 so that might prove to be lucrative. At the same time, we have Chiron in Aries in a square to Mercury, so our wounds around communication are also exposed. Revisit the paradox of being authentic versus being “perfect” and challenge yourself with the knowledge that to be truly great and fully yourself, some people won't like you. And that's okay.
In perfect Gemini fashion, we have so much paradox. On one hand, be authentic and honor your feelings. On the other, get your ego out of the way and let the changes begin within and without. Be open to sharing your truth, but be brave and know you may face disagreement. This is a time for listening, to others and your inner voice. Meditate. Breath. Explore. Question. Challenge yourself. In summary, our illusions (Neptune) and egos (Mars) are bumping into our emotional need to be “good” and “spiritual” (Sagittarius Moon) and the paradox of Gemini seeing all angles (Sun and Venus). Hopefully we can communicate (Mercury) in new revolutionary ways (Uranus) and use this time to clear away the blocks and old wounds around speaking our truth (Chiron) so we can begin to change the world for the better.
We got this.