No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.
- Robin Williams
Breathe Easy
New Moon at 1:39pm EDT at 2°04’ Gemini
After the intense Scorpio Full Moon on May 7th, this New Moon in Gemini is a welcome breath of fresh air. Gemini is a playful, communicative, inquisitive sign and it likes to keep things light. And not only do we have the Sun and Moon together in Gemini, retrograde Venus and Mercury are also conjunct and the Lunar North Node entered this sign in early May. Expect lots of new ideas and conversations. What we begin now will grow with the North Node for the new two years. To add even more wind to these sails, retrograde Saturn is in Aquarius and very closely trine the Sun and Moon. The ideas that are birthed on this New Moon will have some major staying power! Only challenge is the square between Neptune in Pisces and the Venus/Mercury conjunction, potentially making things a bit cloudy and unrealistic.
This is a great day to call up a friend that inspires you and supports your ideas. Actually, it's a great day to call five friends! Chat away, but make sure you're engaging in conversations that uplift you and bring you joy. Find space for play and silliness. Gemini loves to learn new things, so explore a topic that interests you. Be open to different perspectives. As the sign of the twins, Gemini lives within duality. Stay inquisitive, but also speak your truth. Balance an open mind with discernment and your moral compass.
Be aware of what you feed your mind, both from external sources and your internal monologue. Are you consuming high-quality, reliable, inspiring information? How do you speak to yourself? I'm running a free 5 Day Illuminate Your Shadow Challenge on Instagram, so if you want to examine how you talk to yourself and release negative patterns for this New Moon, pop on over to my Instagram (and follow for more astrology and Tarot nuggets!).
One thing Gemini has to work on is balance, so while you may want to run in 5 different directions, try to give yourself time to rest. The trine with Saturn will help here. The plans set into motion now have the long-term vision and commitment to success that Saturn is known for. This is especially great for ideas that help others or use technology in new ways, as Saturn is hanging out in Aquarius. Expand your mind and think outside of the box!
This Saturn/Moon/Sun Air Sign Party also lends itself well to sharing wisdom. If you have something to share with the world, now's the time! Or you can use this time to find a mentor or expert that you can learn from. This pairing supports rebuilding and reviewing (retrograde Saturn) to make changes that will make your life or business stronger and more productive. Saturn is keeping this Gemini energy a bit reined in, focusing it into realistic goals for the future, instead of scattering into too many directions. This is a time to strengthen your foundation. Loyalty and devotion are Saturn qualities, and though it's not making aspects to Venus, it's a great energy to have with her drifting backwards in her retrograde journey. This is a good time to commit to communication with your loved ones.
Speaking of open communication, that's also what the Venus/ Mercury conjunction is supporting. Mercury is in it's home sign of Gemini, bursting with ideas and longing for conversation, and hanging with Venus has it wanting to connect intellectually with those we love. Unfortunately we have Neptune in Pisces in a square to this conjunction, which will make things a bit foggy. This can bring confusion, deception, and misinformation on the Mercury side and insecurity within relationships and with our appearance on the Venus side (no quarantine bangs!). We might over-idealize romantic notions, leading us to disappointment. What I see here through all of this is a lack of clear communication. If you don't lean hard into sharing your truth, if that's a challenge for you, then Neptune's influence might throw you. Neptune can also point to escapism though substances, so any attempts to avoid the connection that this Moon is coaxing, probably won't end well. A way to help prepare for this is to join the free 5 Day Illuminate Your Shadow Challenge on my Instagram and unlock the subconscious patterns that could hold you back from sharing your truth.
I also have my Moon Cycle Planner available if you want to follow the New, Full and Quarter Moons this cycle. Each phase has journal prompts, activity ideas and astrology nuggets. Get it here!
This moon reminds us that life doesn't have to be taken so seriously. Communicate and learn. Be flexible, explore child-like wonder, spontaneity, and new beginnings. Have fun!