Have you always wanted to read Tarot, but don’t know how to start?

  • Maybe you’ve tried before, but referencing a book left you with more questions than answers.

  • Or you think you’re not intuitive or magical enough to truly read Tarot.

  • And trying to commit 78 cards to memory seems daunting AF!

What if I told you, it doesn’t need to be that hard?

That in just 15 minutes a day, with no memorization, you could confidently read each card in less than three months.

I know you can, because it’s exactly how I taught myself to read.

My experience…

I was fascinated with Tarot since I did a school project on it in 5th grade (my cards and I go way back) but I was ALWAYS dependent on a book to give me the answers.

That’s how I (infrequently) read my cards for years, until about a decade ago when I decided I wanted to learn how to read without any outside help. I wanted to use my intuition and let the cards speak through me, instead of trying to decipher them.

This method fell into my lap and changed everything!

Not only did I confidently know all the meaning of the cards by the end, but I developed a relationship with my deck that was unique to me. And I finally trusted my intuition to a level I never had before.

Not to mention all the personal revelations I had while connecting with my cards daily!

Tarot carries so much wisdom within it’s symbols and it wants to see you become the best version of yourself you can be. They will be your biggest cheerleader and sassiest mentor if you let them!

Am I shooting myself in the foot as a professional Tarot reader by teaching you all my secrets? Possibly! But that’s how important I feel it is to share this wisdom.

If you’re ready to begin a relationship that will last a lifetime, Intuitive Tarot is for you!

All you need is a deck of Tarot Card, a notebook and 15 minutes a day. (The two live classes each month are an optional wealth of knowledge! Watch the replays whenever its convenient for you.)

We begin January 2nd, and by March 25th you’ll be reading Tarot like a pro!

For only $44/month for 3 months or one payment of $120, you can discover the power and wisdom that’s been inside you all along!

Sign up now and dive into our Welcome Lessons to prepare before we officially kick off on January 2nd.