Capricorn New Moon and Solar Eclipse

Right in the middle of the holiday season on December 26 at 12:15am EST, we have a powerful new moon in Capricorn, that's also a solar eclipse.

Capricorn Mountain.png

New moons in Capricorn are great for setting intentions around business and budget, or anything else that needs a little dose of responsibility. This day is perfect to set your financial New Years Resolutions. To make this moon even stronger, it's an eclipse, meaning the energy of this moon is felt for 6 months, so make plans for the long run!

Also affecting this day are Mercury and Jupiter, both within 10 degrees of the sun and moon.

Mercury is all about communication and intellectual pursuits, and it's in Sagittarius, giving it the passion and focus this sign provides. Pursuits around philosophy, religion, and travel are especially supported. These can also be “intellectual travels”, exploring an idea and creating your ideals for yourself about how you show up in the world. Jupiter is also conjunct, but in Capricorn, which brings it's optimism, luck and growth to these new intentions, boosting their staying power and the positive effect they'll have on your life moving into the next six months. Jupiter's energy in Capricorn is great if you're self-employed or looking to take control of your destiny.

Another planet influencing this new moon is Uranus.

Uranus is the planet of awakenings and unexpected changes (as most awakenings usually are). Uranus is in Taurus, and it supports shifts away from the stable, expected, comfortable way you've been doing things. Big changes are possible as we shift into the New Year, as long as you set your intentions now.

Capricorn is a fatherly energy, focused on responsibility, maturity, stability, and legacy.

Some questions to ponder or journal are:

What can you do to build your legacy for yourself and future generations?

How can you commit to living in a way that makes our world a better place?

What sacrifices and commitments do you need to make in order to support these changes?

What mindset shift will make these changes easier?

Make sure you don't rely too much on external validation to make your goals worthwhile.

Yes, the wealth and glory are great, but you need a stronger why to keep you going through tough times. Also, even though these goals might be to provide a legacy for your family, make sure you connect and honor them in the now too. I think the holidays are a perfect time for this moon to appear, because we're forced to stop and be present with those we love.

Whether you're starting a new business that supports your dreams to make the world a better place, creating a yearly budget so you feel in control of your finances, or making big shifts in yourself and your outlook to take charge of your life – this energy is here to support you. Set your intentions for the next six months, make a budget or a vision board, and release the past year (heck, decade?) in a fire ceremony. Out with the old, and powerfully in with the new!

I hope you had a very Happy Holiday Season and this New Moon helps you charge powerfully ahead into the New Year!

Want more guidance?

I'm offering two ~*special*~ readings until January 6th to help you use the energy of 2020 to your advantage.

The Year Ahead: Break Down takes you month by month, highlighting your strengths, challenges and recommended actions. If you're into planning, this is the reading for you! My planner is full of monthly notes to help me stay on track with my goals. This is a full hour reading, and you will leave with a clear idea of what to expect this year, how to handle it, mantras to keep you focused, and the theme of this year overall. We'll be exploring 40 cards in this reading - and for only $50, you won't find a reading like this anywhere else.

If you're just looking for the overall themes of 2020, then a Year Ahead: Overview is right for you. We'll look at the theme of the year ahead, your biggest strengths and challenges, as well as a card for each season to help you focus your energy. This is great for intention setting and deciding where to put your focus. This reading is only $20 for 20 minutes, but it's something you will to refer to all year.

Click here to book your reading now!

Want more tips on how to manifest your best year?