Cancer Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse

On January 10th at 2:21pm EST, we have a full moon in the sign of Cancer and a partial lunar eclipse. Eclipse energy effects the next 6 months that follow, so these themes are things you'll be working on until the eclipse cycle in June and July 2020.

Cancer Full Moon

Lunar Eclipse


A full moon in Cancer always draws our attention to our emotions and how we feel “at home”. Which is an interesting concept for me to reflect on as I start traveling again in my home-on-wheels. I'm currently writing this from my van while parked at a Walmart. I actually feel very at home here, typing on my pull out desk, sipping tea with a candle burning, but I know this situation isn't ideal for everyone! What makes you feel safe and cozy? What's important for you to be able to relax and open up?


Cancer is ruled by the moon, so when the moon is in this watery space, all things lunar are highlighted. Intuition, dreams, emotions, subconscious, our deep fears and shadow work are all things to work on during this moon. A theme I've been seeing come up for a lot of people in 2020 is listening more consistently to their intuition. Starting a regular practice for yourself to go inward at this full moon would serve you well in the coming year. This can be meditating, writing in a journal, praying, taking a quiet walk outside, or using divination tools like tarot, runes or fire scrying.


Cancer is also the sign connected to Mothers. Take some time to honor the mother figures in your life (call your mother!). If you have a challenging relationship with them because they didn't parent you in the way you needed, take time to think about how you can parent yourself now to fill in those gaps. This full moon will highlight for everyone where we need a big mothering hug, and ultimately, we're the best person to give that love to ourselves.

Be Gentle

Taking a nice long bath in mineral salts and calming herbs or essential oils can help you connect into this watery energy and release the things that block you from feeling and expressing your emotions freely. This isn't time to take action on these feelings (those the opposing planets, which we'll discuss next, might make you want to), but a time to let yourself feel and become aware. Everyone's going to be a little sensitive, be mindful and compassionate that others are also a bit delicate right now.

The Opposition

As with all full moons, the sun is sitting directly across the sky in the opposite sign of Capricorn, and it's not alone! Mercury is sitting in the same degree as the sun, and Saturn and Pluto are about to meet each other on the 12th and are just 2 degrees from this Sun/Mercury conjunction.


The Sun is our sense of self and purpose, and its partnering with Mercury which rules our mind and communication. In Capricorn this is a very action oriented pairing. You're going to want to plan things and move forward with purpose, who has time for baths and meditating? And this is the very balance we're being called to find.


The coming Pluto/Saturn conjunction is also asking us to question our priorities around work and structure. Pluto is the planet of the underworld and transformation, and sitting with orderly, heavy Saturn in it's ruling sign of Capricorn is going to highlight some of the darker aspects of our aspirations. Mainly, how are we denying our emotional needs (or those of our loved ones) in the name of “progress”?


This makes a lot of sense with the Tarot card I picked for this moon: Knight of Swords in Reverse. Sure, he's action oriented, powerful, intelligent. He also is disconnected from his heart, or even worse, blind about how much his emotions rule him, and finding logical justification for his “rightness” when he's hurt. He's pointy and defensive and brash, because he's not taking time to slow down and connect to his emotions in a healthy, mindful way. Saying “You're wrong!” is easier than “You hurt me” but this moon is calling us to breath, be brave and find that softening.


Luckily our Cancer moon isn't totally alone facing these powerful, heavy planets. Neptune is Trine the Moon in Pisces and this brings a desire to find a deeper spiritual connection and a higher meaning in life. If we can channel this energy well, it can bring us closer to the Divine by practicing compassion in the face of these challenges. The North Node is also in Cancer, meaning this Cancer energy is what we're bringing into our lives, and these heavy Capricorn themes are being transmuted. The North Node is opposing Jupiter (also in Capricorn), which on one hand brings luck to this endeavor, but there can be a desire to lean into spiritual perfectionism (“Good vibes only” mentality), so be gentle with yourself. Accept everything that rises up for you without judgement. Trust that it’s coming up for a reason.

This is a practice. Don't worry if you fudge it all up, you've got plenty of time to work out the kinks. Since this is an eclipse, honoring our own and others emotions with compassion instead of rigidity is going to be the theme for the next 6 months, and I think the world will be better for it.

Want more guidance?

Tarot is my constant companion through this crazy journey called life. My cards and I would love to help you make sense of it all too. Book a Tarot Reading or learn more here.