Your Sabbat is Litha! Joyful Fun Child-like (1).png

Litha - June 21st

Summer Solstice and the longest day of the year

This is a time of play and celebration as the world around us is alive in full force.

People make flower crowns, have bonfires, and enjoy the sunshine. You're someone that sees the value in honoring your inner child and prioritizing play. Make sure you take time for this, especially when you feel like you're too stressed or busy to do so. Five minutes of dancing around, watching funny videos, or cloud gazing is enough of a reset to change the energy of your whole day.

If you're feeling too grown up and serious, its time to let out your inner child.

Curious about the Pagan Year?

You're in the right place, I love celebrating these holidays and they have honestly changed my life.

How can a holiday be life changing?

Connecting to where we are in the cycle of the seasons eight times a year has been the best “self-help” I've ever done.

I feel a deep connection with Mother Earth. I have an amazing circle of empowering people around me that share my values. And most of all, I know myself through the lens of each season, seeing aspects of myself I had never examined before and truly claiming my power and my path.

And I want to share all of that with you in my Year and A Day Coven: Spiral Within. For more information on that and how to get involved click here.

But first, onto the Holidays!

Let's start with Yule – the Winter Solstice on Dec 21st.

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December 21

Yule is the longest night of the year. We tuck Mother Earth in as she falls into her winter hibernation to wake up fresh and young in Spring (she understands the value of beauty sleep). The Sun is now returning and the days only get longer from here.

So how is Yule life changing? Within this darkest night, we have the opportunity to dive into the dark recesses of ourselves and bring what is hidden into the light. I'll be sharing the process I use with Spiral Within as our Yule meditation.

After Yule we have the cold, hibernating stretch until Imbolc on February 1st.

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February 1

Imbolc is mid-winter and it's the time to start preparing for spring, to clean house and clear energy so you can be ready to make moves as the season shifts. If some heavy things came up for Yule, you might still be processing them, and now's the time to clear away stuck energy and make some shifts.

This is also the Celtic holiday for the Goddess Brigid. There is so much I could say about her, as an archetype or deity (whichever you prefer), but I'll save that for Spiral Within’s history and traditions module.

That brings us to Ostara, the Spring Equinox around March 20th (changes every year).

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March 20

This holiday is all about what we're planting in our lives this year. I see this as the time to set “New Years Resolutions” or maybe revisit the ones you let slide.

How do you want to grow this year? In Spiral Within we’ll keep each other accountable to our goals in our active, private Facebook group.

And then we’re at one of my favorites – Beltane!

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May 1

This is a fun one! It's basically pagan Valentine's Day with better weather. It's celebrated on May 1st and its about the Goddess and the God getting frisky and providing a fertile and abundant harvest this year. And, yes, it is very typical to celebrate by acting that out yourself.

In Spiral Within, we'll dive into how to honor both the Masculine and Feminine within ourselves and do The Great Rite symbolically to honor both aspects. Celebrating afterwards with a lover is optional (but encouraged).

Then it's Litha – the Summer Solstice on June 21st!

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June 21

This holiday is also up there for me. It's all about play, celebration and honoring your inner child. The Sun is at it's strongest, the Earth is full of life and the weather is lovely.

Spiral Within is going to have fun getting in touch with their inner child and bringing them out into the sunlight to play.

And now we're at our first Harvest Festival – Lammas on August 1st.

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August 1

This holiday celebrates the harvest of grains and what we make with them – bread and beer! It also celebrates Lugh, a Celtic deity that fights off the God of Blight and Famine to protect the harvest for us humans. Lugh is also good at basically everything, so people celebrate by playing games of skill and strength or hiking mountains.

Lammas was the first pagan holiday I ever celebrated, and we meditated on our life as a field and took note of what was growing well and what wasn’t producing good fruit and should be turned back into the soil. I'll be offering this meditation to Spiral Within and we'll be sharing what’s growing well in our lives in the online Facebook Coven.

Then we're onto the Pagan Thanksgiving: Mabon or the Fall Equinox around September 23rd.

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September 23

Gratitude and good food abound on Mabon. This is a time to practice abundance through gratitude – a powerful magical technique we'll be exploring in Spiral Within.

We are beginning to slide into the dark half of the year at this time and this is also a day that people will begin their “Shadow Work” of exploring those hidden parts of themselves.

And now we find ourselves at Samhain, otherwise known as Halloween on October 31st.

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October 31

This is said to be the time when the veil is thinnest between the worlds of the living and the dead. Whether that is true or not, the natural world definitely primes us to be thinking about death as the leaves fall and rustle like footsteps in the dark. It's when we remember our passed loved ones and also when we can do healing of our family line, whether it's basic things like changing inherited patterns of overeating or people-pleasing or some heavy lifting like generational trauma.

Spiral Within will receive a guided meditation to explore these patterns and begin to break them in ourselves to move forward supported by our ancestors and not held back by them.

And then it's Yule again!

Has this gotten you curious?

Do you want to connect more deeply with yourself by connecting with the season around you?

Have you been feeling a pull to work with Mother Earth more, but don't know how to begin?

Have you been searching for a spirituality that is based in reality and experiential practices, not blind faith and old books?

Do you want to meet like-minded, open-hearted, Earth-loving people like you and grow together?

Are you ready to dive into a Year and A Day of working with the pagan holidays?

Then Spiral Within is right for you.

Click here to find out more about this limited time offering! Enrollment ends December 19th.