Scorpio Full Moon on May 7th, 2020

scorpio full moon

Open, Penetrate, Dive Deep

Full Moon at 6:45am EDT at 17°19’ Scorpio

On May 7th at 6:45am EDT we have a full moon in Scorpio, the sign that rules shadow work, sex, death and transformation. Scorpio is a powerful, transformative energy, intense and penetrating, asking more and more until the truth is uncovered. This can really suck, and it can also be life-changing and intensely empowering, it's all how you navigate it. Scorpio is said to have three different symbols, since it's so dynamic and ever evolving. Because of it's intensity and emotional vulnerability, at first Scorpio is the scorpion: defensive and venomous when provoked. It then evolves into the eagle, and while still predatory, it sees things from a higher perspective, soaring above the world and loyally nesting with a partner for life. The final form is the phoenix, turning destruction into a catalyst for radical transformation and rebirth and lighting the way for others. Scorpio grows through challenge and facing it's fear. It is brave and bold, and this moon is shining it's penetrating light into our darkest corners. This can be personally or collectively, so watch out for any new discoveries of underhanded or shady dealings coming out.

Full moons occur when the sun and moon are directly across from each other in the sky, so while the moon is shining in intense Scorpio, it's reflecting the light from the Sun in stable Taurus. The Sun isn't the only planet in Taurus right now, we actually have a Taurus Stellium occurring with Uranus and Mercury also hanging out here. This will inspire us to be thinking, communicating and making changes around stability in our lives. Mercury is especially influential as it's conjunct the Sun and thus also opposing the Moon. This brings a clarity to our communications and while we might have a bit of a battle of head vs heart, if we let our heart speak, we will actually be rather eloquent.

Mercury is also exactly sextile Neptune in Pisces. This is also aiding our softness, helping us be more sympathetic and understanding. This aspect also encourages idealistic plans, letting us dream of how the world should be. Be open to receiving information through spiritual means such as intuition, dreams, divination and synchronicities. Our words can be used to heal, if we're mindful with them. Remember, Scorpio is the dominant energy. Do we chose to be the defensive scorpion, the soaring eagle, or the tranformational phoenix? Helping this transcendent energy is the trine that Neptune is also forming to the Moon, softening our hearts and encouraging emotions, intuition and creativity to flow. This makes it easier to feel, share and move through our emotions and deeply feel how we are all connected in oneness to each other and to source/God/the Universe through unconditional love.

Plan to connect deeply with yourself and/or your lover, because Scorpio wants to penetrate to your deepest truth and lay your tender, vulnerable heart bare. If we open up to this moon and the exploration it's demanding, we can get to know ourselves and our loved ones very deeply. But if you resist and try to hide in distractions, especially substances (very Neptunian), you're missing a big potential for growth. Yes, this is an intense moon, but don't shy away from it. Take time to journal or have a deep conversation with a close friend. Meditate, pull some tarot cards, let your mind explore “naughty” truths about yourself. Since Scorpio rules shadow work, death and transformation, this a perfect time to invite your shadow into the light. I had a realization today that I tend to be attracted to partners that aren’t excited about my future goals because then it's “not my fault” if I don't reach them, my partner “prevented” me. My fear of failure, or maybe even success, keeps me in a cycle of playing small. At the same time, my partner realized he lets himself get wrapped up into other people's issues as a way to distract him from his personal growth. This Scorpio Moon has inspired some tough conversations already.

Last Scorpio Full Moon…

I feel called to share with you my experience with the Scorpio Full Moon last year, as it's been a major influence on my life ever since. I was driving though Tennessee and nearing the end of my first solo journey in my van. I'd thoroughly enjoyed my alone time and independence over the past month, but I kept getting a nagging feeling to make a list of what I wanted in a partner. I'd been successfully ignoring the nudges, because I know how manifestation works and I wasn't ready for a relationship, when out of nowhere on the day of the Full Moon, the urge was so strong that it took me by surprise while driving and (not surprisingly for sexual Scorpio) had me strangely turned on. I got so into thinking about this potential partner, all of his qualities, what it would feel like to loved by him, what our lovemaking would be like, that I had to find a private place to pull over while I got lost in my revelry. I was torn, I loved my alone time but this someone was also so attractive, so I added some qualities I figured would stump the Universe. He was not only vegan and spiritual, but also knows how to ballroom dance and enjoys musicals. I knew I'd just done some accidental magic, but I was still shocked by speed of the results.

I discovered a wonderful private park along a river to camp for the night, and I was inspired to do a ritual to release old limiting beliefs about myself and relationships, the stories I told myself that were no longer true. I wrote them all down and released them to the river, letting the water take them away and wash me clean of them. Then I danced in the moonlight, feeling free and whole. I knew something had changed.

The next day, I ended up in Asheville, NC. I went to a kirtan class at the Asheville Yoga Center and was introduced to a man who also lives in a van, is vegan, a yogi, and in our first conversation mentioned taking ballroom dance in college. We're still together at this Scorpio Full Moon, but on unstable ground. Whatever happens under this penetrating Scorpio light, I trust it's what we need, either cracking our shells to even deeper layers of love or releasing limitations that our relationship has created around each of us. Either way, it'll be transformative and soul-shifting, and I'm both anxious and excited.

One more thing…

I just want to wrap up with a quick note that in the next week, we will have 4 planets retrograde. We're about to be entering an especially introspective and inward focusing period of time (as if we haven't had enough of that already!). I want you to know this so you don't get down on yourself if you have trouble pushing forward with goals. Pluto already went retrograde in Capricorn on April 24th and will stay retrograde until October 4th. On May 11th we have Saturn going retrograde in Aquarius. It will go back into Capricorn early July and finally station direct again on September 29th. Saturn retrograde asks us to review and perfect things around structure and stability, but we might have trouble with new projects. On May 13th Venus goes retrograde in Gemini until June 25th. This calls us into a deeper relationship with ourselves, and the challenges we're collectively feeling with being isolated and not as social as we would probably want to be. This can also have old loves returning or relationships ending. Then on May 14th Jupiter goes retrograde in Capricorn until September 12th. This can cause some issues with feeling expansive externally, but if you turn inwards and lean into spiritual expansion you may have more luck. Jupiter and Pluto are conjunct most of this year so we'll be seeing a lot of crisis around beliefs as things are shifting and changing. Be extra gentle with yourself, no need to get down on yourself about productivity next week. Give yourself space to adjust to the changes going on energetically.

For more guidance on this Full Moon and how to connect to the Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius on May 14th, check out my free Moon Cycle Planner. It’s full of astrological insights, journal questions and activities specific to each moon cycle. Get it for free here and for signing up you’ll also get a copy of my free ebook Secrets to Manifest Your Dreams. These Moon Cycle Planners won’t be free for long, so get it while the getting’s free!