Leo Full Moon on February 9th, 2020

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Let Out Your Roar!

I’m so excited about this astrology, that I’m offering a free Fire Ceremony to tap into this potent energy. Find out how to join here, or read on to learn more!

The next Full Moon is on February 9th at 2:33am EST at 20° in Leo.

A full moon is when the sun and moon are opposite each other, so while the Moon is in passionate, show-stopping Leo, the Sun is in rebellious, progressive Aquarius. Full moons are times to release things. This can be letting go of an old pattern or releasing your new idea out into the world, and this moon is great for both of these things. What do you need to release so you can shine and be in the flow? Leo is known to be a bit self-centered, but if tempered well, this energy helps us stand more firmly on our path and really let out our unique (and important) roar. Leo also craves praise and admiration for who they are and what they do, which makes me think of the conjunction going on between Venus, Lilith, and Chiron (more on that soon). The sun sitting in Aquarius is more focused on “we” than “me”, especially on a global scale. Leo and Aquarius play nicely together when we get in alignment with our life purpose and how we can be of service to others. Meditation Mount put the dance between these signs wonderfully here:

“Even as “the great illusion” of separation is exposed and the unity of everything is realized, individuality is not lost. As we shift our awareness to the vastly expanded field of soul identity, we see that we are participating in an ordered plan that is manifested through group consciousness... Group consciousness is governed by Leo’s opposite, the sign of Aquarius. Although Aquarius is located across the zodiac from Leo, the relationship between the two signs is not an opposition, but a continuum from individualism to inclusion in a greater whole.”

This is perfect on the heels of the New Moon in Aquarius that got us thinking about how we can live our purpose. Your intentions set at the New Moon are coming into even clearer focus now. And this is being helped by Mars in Sagittarius making harmonious aspects to the sun and moon, bringing focus, desire to set big goals, assertiveness, practicality, and open-mindedness. Make sure you focus this fiery Sag energy and then you can achieve anything.

Another helpful energy floating around is Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces. This brings luck and expansion into your work, especially if it’s of a helping or spiritual nature. This can be a restless, reforming energy, but channeled with that Capricorn dedication, it can be very powerful. Be of service and this partnership will give you strong intuitive guidance.

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The card drawn for this Full Moon is Death, the card of endings and transformation.

Let it Go! This energy is ego challenging, really highlighting that opposition between Leo and Aquarius. How can you let aspects of yourself die so you can bloom into deeper service of others? You have to make room for new things to grow. This can be talking about relationships, habits, patterns, jobs, or your mindset. When the need for changes come, how will you respond? Will you plead, keel over, not look at it, or like the child in the image, face it with openness and curiosity? This card also makes me think of the giant conjunction occurring in Aries.

Venus, Lilith and Chiron are all hanging out in the early degrees of Aries creating an impulsive energy around love and the wounds we carry.

Yikes, Happy Valentines Day! Lilith in Aries is impulsive and even harder to control than usual. Tear down the old and build something new, something better, something freer. She thinks for herself entirely, but can be a force to be reckoned with when she doesn't get her way. Venus is amped up while hanging out with feisty Lilith in this forceful sign, making her more aggressive as well. This powerhouse combination will have us balancing our desire to lead and be lead, to be pursued and pursue, to be cherished and respected, to be the top or bottom. Our desire for Venus niceties, harmony, beauty and love, is bumping into Lilith's raw, hidden, subconscious desires.

Which energy do you relate with more, demure, gentle, sensitive Venus or powerful, seductive, secretive Lilith? The one you shun, is the one you need to get to know, cause she's in there. And Lilith wants us to accept our full self, with all our messy incongruities. Though this can be a challenging energy and feel a bit explosive (hey Aries!), this is also radically transformative. Deep down, we all want to be fully seen, and this combo will give us the courage to show up and speak up, because Aries is not going to let us sugar coat this. We're going to be loud and impulsive, and very focused on getting what we want. Aries is the start of something new and this is happening in the early degrees of this sign as well, adding to this energy of newness.

This is the start of something authentic and different. Lilith contains within her vast power to transform if we're brave enough to sit with her and peer into our depths. This is bringing us into balance in our femininity (whether male or female), and with how we relate to the feminine in others. This is the totality of women, the soft and the loving, as well as the fierce and the seductive. The gentle and the wild combined into one.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is standing next to them, drawing our attention to the wounds within this dynamic. How are we not being authentic? How has our heart and spirit been broken? And if we listen carefully, we can learn how to transform that pain into strength. To find out more about Chiron conjunct Venus, check out this article about how Chiron can unlock the wounds in our heart.

“We firstly ‘unlock’ our heart. Then, we heal what’s broken. And finally, we transform fear into love.”

I have found this paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love” – Mother Teresa.”

Chiron and Lilith combined are also a powerhouse of transformation, both being outsiders in their own way and healing through unconventional methods. If you want to dive deeper, check out this intriguing article.

This Aries cluster is forming a T Square with the North Node in Cancer and South Node in Capricorn.

And this aspect isn’t just on the day of the full moon. These planets are hanging out and forming a t-square with the north and south nodes from 2/5 to 2/19, peaking on 2/12. This adds to the rocky potential, especially when it comes to our established patterns regarding home, family and comfort. We'll see how doing things in the established way isn't going to work anymore, pointing out how our love patterns and wounds are preventing us from having a harmonious balance of work life and family life. Maybe you tend to choose unavailable people that won't build the foundation you crave, or someone that has vastly different goals than you. Maybe you have so much wounding that you throw yourself into work, being unavailable for love. This aspect will make you notice where you feel unsatisfied and unfulfilled. We need to be cultivating inner peace, releasing the pain stored here and not acting out recklessly to get our needs for connection fulfilled while ignoring the underlying problems. This nodal placement asks us to find happiness in family and our spiritual connection, while honoring the totality of ourselves and our baggage. Seems fitting with this Full Moon, huh?

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The Tarot card for this conjuction and t-square is Ace of Cups Reversed.

We need to be mindful of how we are dumping things out, especially our emotions and self-worth. Be careful about exploding at people or crying to your ex. This card suggests calling a friend or sitting with your journal instead. Be aware of how you give yourself to others. Do you take time to “fill your cup” or are you always pouring yourself out in service of others. If you feel you do this, you have to ask yourself why. Do you think you need to do this in order to be loved or be “good” or “nice”? If so, how can you tap more into your powerful inner Lilith? This card can also mean new beginnings, but not externally. This refers to new beginnings within ourselves. Think of that Venus/Lilith integration and the healing from Chiron. How can this shift begin in you?

Does this Lilith/Venus/Chiron conjunction intrigue you?

It's definitely got my attention!

I think this is a potent window for some deep transformation around the feminine wound (for men and women) and the baggage we carry from broken hearts. Do you accept yourself and your partner (or potential partner) for their feminine totality? Are you ready to explore the wounds you’re carrying and begin to let them go? Then I lovingly invite you to join me for a free transformational fire ceremony on the full moon to tap into this portal of energy and use it clean this wound and release what no longer serves. In this circle we'll explore:

  • Breath Work

  • Guided Meditation

  • Fire Clearing

Sign up here to join me in circle!

In Summary…

Overall, this is a powerful full moon for transformation and stepping into our power. If we are tapping into our life purpose, there is so much energy supporting us right now. (Not sure what your purpose is? Book a Tarot Reading to get some clarity.) There is also potential for a powerful shift within ourselves around love and femininity (our own and others) and healing the wounds that lurk there. Be gentle with yourself for the next couple weeks. We're also in the shadow of the upcoming Mercury Retrograde on February 17th happening in Pisces. Things are going to be more feeling based than logical as we approach the retrograde, but if we allow ourselves to tap into our intuition and emotional intelligence, we'll swim through this energy much more gracefully.

Sending you so much love.

Join me for the Leo Full Moon Fire Ceremony here.