Light your inner fire and let it change the world.
New Moon on March 24, 2020 at 4º of Aries at 5:28 am EDT
When I was in school for massage therapy, we very briefly studied Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the term Anger of Spring really stuck with me. This time of year we experience the power of growing things violently shooting up through the cold soil. Although this action and emotion is connected to the Chinese element of wood, it's also very Aries - bold, action oriented, impulsive, and forward moving. Typically a New Moon in Aries is good for manifesting, setting goals, and planting the seeds that you'll harvest at the Aries Full Moon, which this year is on October 1st. To fully understand this current New Moon though, we need some background on what’s been happening astrologically.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, representing new beginnings and fresh starts.
The astrological new year began at the Spring Equinox on March 19th, which is when we entered Aries season. The next day, Mars and Jupiter met up in Capricorn, which might have brought tension and a volatile, fiery energy (anger of spring!), but also could have been channeled into enthusiasm and forward motion if used well. Then the day after that, Saturn moved from Capricorn into Aquarius.
Saturn in Aquarius
Saturn stays in each sign for about 2.5 years, so this is a big transition. We're moving from focusing on material stability (Capricorn) to social stability (Aquarius). Saturn is all about restriction and borders and is now in the air sign of Aquarius. We will possibly see more lock down of air travel as this air-transmitted coronavirus leads to more and more separation and quarantine. Luckily, Aquarius is associated with the internet and the last time Saturn visited Aquarius in from 1991-1993 the internet was expanding. We have potential for new ways of working from home and creating online income and stability. AI, space travel and other new technology might also be unveiled during this transit.
Saturn is all about accountability, rules, structure, tough-love, and restrictions. He's the father figure in astrology, the Emperor in Tarot (which is the 4th card, this moon is at 4 degrees, 2020 is a 4 year...bit of a theme, more details later). Aquarius is the progressive rebel, using technology to communicate ideas to help humanity. When Saturn's in Aquarius, he's all about rewriting the rules, brainstorming a new way of being, and enhancing clear communication with each other. How can we commit (Saturn) to the collective (Aquarius). There's a long history of Saturn in Aquarius bringing radical change in human rights, as Chani Nichols points out in her post on the topic:
“The last time Saturn was in Aquarius (1991-1993), apartheid was dismantled. Before that, Saturn was in Aquarius from 1962-1964, when the Civil Rights Act, which banned school segregation and employment discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, sex or national origin, was signed into law in the United States. And before that, Saturn was in Aquarius from 1932-1935. The Great Depression had begun in 1929 causing unemployment to reach 25%. These years of Saturn in Aquarius saw the beginning of FDR’s New Deal, which brought social security, government infrastructure and banking regulations to the US.”
What will this Aquarius transit bring for our modern world? How will the oppressed be liberated? Will the fear around animal agriculture as the origin of the coronavirus spark animal liberation? Will quarantines and shifting job markets inspire increased worker protections, a living wage or a universal income? Will the United States adopt universal healthcare as a result of people debating whether to go into debt or seek treatment for this virus? We have Jupiter conjunct Pluto right now as well, adding to this crumbling and transformation. This is a time of breaking down the old to build the new. And that's uncomfortable. Let's pray the result of this challenging time is a beautiful new way of being that helps humanity.
What does this have to do with the New Moon?
Well, the moon is actually sextile Saturn in Aquarius, adding seriousness and structure to this phase. The goals you set now have the backing of hard-working, long-sighted Saturn, which is something Aries can always use, as this fire can burn itself out quickly if not fed regularly. Seek advice from professionals and elders at this time, whether it's about how to stay healthy or how to start a business. Explore Aquarius energy, how can this quarantine open you up to something new, such as online classes, launching that online business, making a podcast or youtube channel, or learning a new skill. Explore your natal astrology chart and see what house Aquarius rules for you. This area will get some serious structure (or restructure). How can communication, technology and working for the whole of humanity help this area? Discover your birth chart here.
Even more powerfully affecting the New Moon is it's playdate with Chiron and Lilith a couple degrees away and it's t-square with the Moon's nodes. Chiron is the wounded healer and Lilith is the Dark Goddess. Chiron brings the key to unlock deep wounds when it’s in conjunction and Lilith encourages you to look into your darkness. This is a beneficial aspect that can bring deep healing. What wounds prevent you from stepping out boldly? How can tapping into your shadow at this dark moon help you move forward? Lilith is associated with sexuality, tantra and kundalini – can sexual energy heal you? Use this time to ignite your fire! Explore sex magic or tantra, tap into your resistance/shadow side, or light a bonfire and burn a paper filled with what you're releasing to tap into these powerful energies.
The t-square with the south node in Capricorn and the north node in Cancer is less comfortable, though potentially just as transformative. The nodes have been in this position since 2018, but they move to Gemini and Sagittarius in May. This is the last time to be exploring these themes, which are being highlighted now given our current pandemic. The South node in Capricorn is about the old structures of capitalism, top-down authority, politics, and business as usual. What are we releasing around these ideas? How painful is it as things are shifting right now? If you really attach to “playing by the rules” and “doing it right”, what if this whole system came crashing down? Under this new moon, don't panic, plan what you can and let go of what you can't control.
Meanwhile, Cancer's north node is having us turn inwards and grow from within. It's about home and family – things you may love but be getting uncomfortable being suck in currently. What things in your inner word need to be refreshed or enhanced for more ease, love and joy? How can this time of change and constriction help birth a new inner world? How do you nurture yourself and others? Are you in fear and pushing away, or finding ways to stay connected to yourself and others?
Let’s tap into numerology for a moment again. Forever Conscious has an interesting observation that ties into a lot of the current astrology in their article:
“Interestingly, this New Moon falls at 4 degrees of Aries, which has been a trend. Back in February, the New Moon was at 4 degrees Pisces, in January the New Moon was at 4 degrees of Aquarius, in December, the New Moon Eclipse was at 4 degrees of Capricorn. In 2020, we are also in a number 4 year according to numerology. In a number 4 year, we are called to return to the self and to find ways to create safety, comfort, and purpose from within. 4 represents feeling at home within ourselves, and it definitely seems this is a trend for many of us right now. In astrology, 4 degrees of Aries is actually a very spiritually sensitive degree of the zodiac. It indicates advanced psychic energies and the ability to ascend to higher realms while remaining grounded.”
So in summary…
This new moon has the potential to majorly affect the next 6 months to 3 years. The seeds you plant now are so important. Be mindful about where you focus your energy. Are you clinging to stability and security (south node and formerly Saturn in Capricorn), or are you open to radical change that improves humanity and interpersonal connections (Cancer north node and Saturn in Aquarius)? As painful inner wounds come up, are you able to slow down and give them the love and presence to begin the healing process? Ride the fiery energy and let it inspire you to set some ambitious goals. The Saturn pairing will help you reach your goals.
Want more help reaching your goals? I’m opening my Accountability Coaching on this Aries New Moon! We learn most from our struggles, and I’ve learned so many tools on accountability living with ADHD. Let me help you reach your dreams! We meet on the phone weekly for 30 min sessions at $25 each. We set goals, manage doubt and insecurity, and most of all, someone is holding you accountable. If you’re externally motivated, like me, this is a game changer. If someone else is cheering me on, I am so much more successful. And you can be too! Book a free Exploration Call and let’s see if we’re a good fit!
Happy Aries New Moon, and keep your eyes peeled for more Astrology Goodies coming in the near future! Sign up for my newsletter below so you don’t miss an article (and get my free e-book Secrets to Manifest Your Dreams!)