I truly believe that nature can heal us.

Not just by taking herbal supplements and getting fresh air and sunshine, but by syncing our lives with the rhythms around us and harnessing that energy to help us flow in the direction we wish to go, instead of fighting against the current

What does that mean?

Spring is when we plant the seed of new ideas, coming out of winter itching to create and expand. Summer is for nurturing our projects and celebrating and connecting with others. Fall is when we to let go of things that no longer fit our lives and we strengthen the connections that will get us through the cold months. Winter is a time of contraction, of doing self-work and resting.

Learn more about the eight seasonal pagan holidays here.

As we approach the Dark Half of the Year:

Can you feel the autumn coming?

The chill in the evenings that come earlier each day?

The hint of color on the edge of the trees?

The abundant harvest coming out of the garden?

We're fast approaching the Dark Half of the Year, where night is longer than day and we feel the urge to get cozy and hibernate a bit. This is the time to turn inward and do some deep self transformation in the darkness.

And it's hard to do alone.

I know for myself, one of the biggest challenges about the darker seasons is the isolation it brings. And after the social distancing of 2020, I know this winter is going to be a tough one. That's why I created Spiral Within: The Dark Half of the Year. We need community more than ever right now, especially if we're diving deep into self discovery and transformation.

What does this self work look like?

It's healing the inherited patterns from our ancestors that have been passed down unquestioned for generations. It's acknowledging and learning to accept the parts of ourselves that we hide for fear of shame or rejection (aka shadow work). And it's freeing ourselves from past relatinships and contracts that no longer serve our life anymore, but might still be holding sway. It's subconscious work, and it's not easy, but it's so life changing.

And this is the time to do it.

If you want to be embraced by a supportive, Earth-loving community and explore neo-pagan philosophies, you've found the right place. Welcome to Spiral Within: The Dark Half of the Year.

Does living in harmony with the seasons Intrigue you?

Have you felt a pull to connect with the Earth, but don't know where to begin?

Are you looking for a spirituality that is based in reality, like the changing of the seasons?

Do you want to meet like-minded, open-hearted, Earth-loving people like you and grow together?

Are you curious how your ancestors honored the Earth and celebrated her cycles?

Do you want to dive into working with the pagan holidays to connect more deeply with yourself by connecting with the season around you?

Then I ecstatically invite you to join this community of other curious seekers that are ready to deepen their connection to themselves and Mother Earth.

What will you get in this Coven?

Spiral Within: The Dark Half of the Year is a six month journey from September to March where we will be exploring topics such as Ancestral Healing, Shadow Work, and Cord Cutting as they relate to the holidays from Mabon to Ostara on the Neo-Pagan Wheel of the Year.

You will receive packets for each holiday full of information and practices such as:

  • Guided Meditations for each Holiday

  • History and information about traditional celebrations

  • Food, drink, and craft ideas

  • How to connect to the deeper themes of the season

  • A worksheet for each Holiday to focus your intention

  • A cheat sheet of correspondences (this and the worksheets are the perfect start to a Book of Shadows)

  • Exploration of magical principles and detailed instructions to experience them yourself

Plus: Live Online Circle Castings to create sacred space together

And an active Mighty Network Coven with other people exploring the same practices with you


who am I?

My name is Rebecca Rose, and I was right there where you are, craving something I couldn't name. I felt that I was missing this important connection, but I didn't know to what.

I was outside all the time as a kid, fascinated by the natural world. I was raised Catholic, but by my mid-20s I was basically atheist. I was exposed to energy work and reiki in massage school and I discovered there was *something* else, this energy that connects all living things.

I then crossed paths with a couple pagans, asked the right questions, and now I've been a Tarot reader and practicing pagan for over half a decade. I've been in two covens, one that I co-created. I organized a Year and A Day training to explore the eight pagan holidays and created a public ritual for each. I've celebrated as a solitary practitioner, with non-pagan partners, and with a group.

My Tarot and Spiritual Coaching clients have shared this about me:

[She] always leaves me feeling more grounded and connected to my truest path. It’s so easy to get overwhelmed by stimuli in this modern world, and having someone as spiritually in-tune as Rebecca to help ... is incredibly comforting. -Sydney A.

[Working with] Rebecca is like sitting down and talking to an old friend. She has a calming energy about her. - Katie M.

What is “pagan”?

Pagan can mean many things, but it technically means “a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions”. I’ve sat in circle with plenty of Christian pagans, contradictory as it might seem. Pagans also use other words such as witch, heathen, or earth-based spirituality. Trying to define the religious views of all pagans is near impossible because at our core we are non-conformists.

And that’s what I want to offer you.

I have my views and beliefs, but you don’t have to agree with me to be in this circle. In fact, I don’t want you to blindly believe anything I say until you experience it yourself. That’s how I approached this path, and I’m so solid in my views now, because everything I believe, I’ve experienced. And that certainty through experience is what I want to give to you through our time together.

What are my personal beliefs?

  • The planet is a living being (Mother Earth), both metaphorically and literally as a giant ecosystem

  • We are all children of Mother Earth (since we are physically made from her)

  • All living beings are animated with a unifying life force

  • We, as Earthlings, thrive best when we are in harmony with the seasons

  • Our thoughts create our reality much more than we are taught

  • Magic is harnessing that life force that flows though everything with intention (thoughts) to create a change

  • -or- Energy + Intention = Magic

  • I have no idea what deities (Gods and Goddesses) are, I like working with some, but don’t know if they are just an archetype my brain likes or an actual entity (and I don’t care either way)

  • I lean towards reincarnation, but my spirituality is focused on the now and the comfort that my body goes back to Mother Earth is my “afterlife”

And again, because this is important, I don’t want you to believe any of this unless it makes sense for you. You should make up your own mind through your lived experiences. I’m only sharing to be totally transparent with where I come from before you commit to working with me.

Got it? Good!

Okay, so what's the cost?

My normal pricing would be:

$20/guided meditation and worksheet x 5 = $100

$10/tutorial about different magical principles (candle magic, wards, sex magic, etc.) x 10 = $100

+ Facebook Group Coven

+ 4 Live Circles

+ Video Interviews

+ History, traditions, practices, crafts, food, drink and more

I should be charging $250+ for this package


I want to make this accessible to you

I'm giving this entire offering to you for only $150 for the six months.

  • And let's sweeten the pot, you have access to this information, meditations, and coven community forever.

  • You also get a 40% discount on up to 4 Tarot readings with me.

  • And I'm offering a payment plan of $25/month if a lump sum isn't in the cards for you right now.

Most workshops will run you around $25 a pop, and this is something you get to do throughout our six months together!

Do you crave a deep connection with the Earth?

Do you feel called to sync your inner world with the outer season around you?

Do you want to follow the path of our ancestors through the Wheel of the Year?

Do you want to connect with other people just like you and explore together?

Join me inside and let's grow together.

[Rebecca] always makes me feel comfortable expressing myself. She is compassionate and professional... Rebecca is truly an angel… I would recommend her to anyone as she would connect well with both novice and experienced clients alike. - Akilah B.

Ready to sign up? I'm so excited to Spiral Within together.

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