Have you felt a call to connect to the rhythm of the seasons?

Do you want to explore a deeper way to connect to the sensual height of spring?

Do you want to stoke the fire of desire and find unity within?

Then I warmly invite you to join me in celebrating the mid-spring fertility holiday of Beltane.

While it’s always delightful to celebrate Beltane with others, this bundle invites you to dive within and do some Inner Alchemy to unify your innate Divine Masculine and Feminine energy.

Beltane is the time when the Goddess and God lay together and bring fertility to the world through their union. Whether of not you’re enjoying a passionate romp in the field, you can honor this union by exploring the totality of your own being. How are we both the Goddess and the God? Our Fertile Mother Earth and the life sustaining Sun?

Let’s shake off the last of the winter chill and embrace the longer days, blooming flowers, and warm sun with a home ritual that requires no additional ritual objects besides a cup and a knife (no stabbing involved, promise!).

Does this call to you? Do you want to explore unity within?

Then join me in circle.

I’m offering a Beltane Celebration Bundle that includes:

  • Guided Meditation

  • Journal Worksheet to Explore your Divine Feminine and Masculine

  • List of Beltane Correspondences (with details on why each thing relates)

  • Information on Sex Magic for Beltane

All of this for just $20, the price of most workshops you could attend on the topic.

This is a great package for both beginners and advanced Pagans to get to the core of this holiday on a personal level and have a guided experience.

Are you ready to join?

Click below to join our community and get access to this delightfully expansive experience.

Blessed Be.